Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Billionaire Paradox

Billionaire Paradox

Welcome to the club. This is the incidence in action that creates the feel out of silent words. The first expression attempts to create the latter one's are the possibility of being "The One"

The often saying words don't make me feel.. 

The diverse expression of life presents the mutual understanding of all the quarrels that visits on your senses become quite occasional & might never been observed because of the actions and place that never let it heuristic.

It could only by the matter of chance that brought up the fact incident falls over. The simplistic expressions can be viewed everyday. The ratio of actually getting directly involved in people matter who underlying the great deal of attention shows ignorant phrase by action and the creative theme missed by the chance.

Let's understand this by an example-
On the process: When someone starts with great deal of passion & reach to ultimate heights their schedule dont let them go or stay where the person actually came from.
On that heights when senstivity get into deep experience they do by action for the place without being an emploee of the action their selves.

Let me illustrate you by an experiment-
A great amount of major success came out from the areas which are linearly backwards and the dream with devotion in eyes bring up the courage and hardwork to get elevated and up from the place and its problems.

When they achieve such heights a majority goes out from that herd where it prepared for acting this strong today. By this the distant arises and mostly they leave out and never return to such dark places. Which seems inspiration for other eyes with hunger to come out of it.
But by this trend the place which create that inside even by critic words that anyhow elevated the courage. On not returning the actual place never really gets developed and due to that the shifting takes place but development don't by ground.

                The stats rise but life ends.

All the accumulations that took from there for that long dont get back anything in return neither people nor the mother nature.

The initiated strength that bring up that dream and all necessary preparations to stand after any fall while struggle days actually get into waste land with dead sparks.

What to say in some sense when a kid ask you that if i grew up do i have to go like the people who used to live there.
A parent or an ideal can probably say yes.
But that creates this great paradox that all the accumulations over that place will left behind and at that place to no kind of direct greatness could be transmitted anyway in terms of actions.

Let me remind you at this point i am not talking about temporary infrastructure that is being built from the side of outsourced people. I'm taking about the permanent infrastructure as a journey which help people all around building vital sense of direct interactive experience that will build strong sense of character through the ideal form of observance.

In the society of where people leave where they belong after success destroy all the possibility of accelerated developmental roles that can probably teach and inspire people all around in minute time with diverse and direct experience that get lost after the adher go out where alikes live for permanent.

Let me take you even at deeper level of experience where you can feel in action-
Imagine you reached at that heights and achive the club of the success. You travel to your work everyday and you experience a pit everyday while travelling that disturbs your tranquility for that moment every sweet morning with a fresh face and respected through all because of your generosity and ideal presence for all people in surrounding society..

Just with a pit you feel pity for your mood!

So are you not feeling like you will take notice on it and in your mean time you simply use your voice to resolve that problem at any level of dealing. So to get rid of that everyday problem. Now imagine of that voice which being so precious that the problem get into serious notice and get done in short fall without a delay.
But is that only your nature of experience or personal trait of problem??

Think Again!

Of course not. When its in everyone's experience who travel that route but the value and support of your voice gives a backbone for all the voices that let any one responsive who has to check and maintain the pit falls.

This is just an example now come out of this you're like me.
But the great paradox is all about the migration where essence and problems are already tackled up and nothing more can be furnished well.

But if the very same you live at the place where things are on little low as most in permanent so that your address lives there with your presence that itself will help change the place at great pace during your life span that you can observe every year or even month changing.

Now a great deal of argument comes up with a reason that our people whom we worked for this long and hard deserves a better lives specially the coming generations.

So the answer to this is very simple. An already developed surrounding with no problem type nature never bring a young mind to come up with their fullest & no creative organizing lessons were discovered by that majority of section.

Only by text they even discover that feel of how it feels like. It is no way means that you pull all luxury you provide them. But the missing ingredient never fills that gap and on that creative level of heuristic majors in their heads.

If you feel victorious over all the problems you faced let them learn too & even you can help accelerate their learning cycles and help them with your resources.

This feel will help develop the skills in all sections of management, observation, survey, decision handling, creative and experimental solutions for the problem will lead to a much developmental roles that even today no institution can dare to teach that level of battle ground of action.

The intense personality and possibility develops a natual inbound solver in action.
But the unfortunate reality is that the club never let their cubs out from their caves so they get to work and around with great deal of furnished atmosphere but hardly become anyway more than a maintinance man; who never lurk for outer the bigger unfit box.

That's the billionaire paradox! 

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